Home Educational Robots Limo AI Modular Mobile Robot

Limo AI Modular Mobile Robot

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This is the Limo: a customizable mobile robot with AI that you can control with your smartphone. It has 4 steering modes, including Omni-directional, tracked steering, Ackermann and four-wheel differential. The LIMO app relies on a Jetson Nano and various sensors for operation.

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Limo, the first multi-modal mobile Robot with AI modules and ros demo

This robot is ROS and Gazebo ready. It is ready for path planning, obstacle avoidance, and other similar tasks. It uses a EAI X2L 360° LiDAR and ORBBEC Dabai Stereo Depth Camera for obstacle detection and navigation. This robot lasts 40 minutes on battery.

[where to get it] [official]

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