
SuperDroid Robots 200kg-Payload Mecanum Robot

Here is another robot with mecanum wheels from SuperDroid Robots with a payload of 200kg and more. In fact, the…

7 years ago

CSAIL’s Shape Shifting Robot Walls, Rolls, Glides

Meet the Primer robot: a cube-shaped robot that can be controlled via magnets to walk roll, sail, and glide. It…

7 years ago

Aspiring Engineers Build Robot That Can Climb Glass

Here is a robot capable of climbing a glass wall to access difficult locations. Draper’s summer interns built the robot…

7 years ago

SprutCAM Robot Programming System for Milling, Cutting, Welding

Here is an offline programming system for industrial robots that can be used to create complex collision-free 3D movements. SprutCAM…

7 years ago

HySociaTea: Autonomous Robot-Robot Collaboration

Getting robots to collaborate with each other is not always straightforward. This video shows an autonomous robot-robot collaboration system in…

7 years ago

Everybot RS700 Robot Mop Cleaner

Here is another robot that cleans your floors, so you don't have to. The Everybot RS700 is a robot mop…

7 years ago

Robots Learn to Use Nunchucks

Robots handling swords and other weapons is nothing new. Teaching them how to use them like a human is not…

7 years ago

EPFL Developing Robots That Walk Naturally

Teaching robots to move naturally and smoothly is easier said than done. Researchers at EPFL’s Biorobotics Laboratory are testing new…

7 years ago

Using Wearables with Haptic Feedback for Human-Robot Interaction

Teleoperating robots using Myo and other smart wearables is nothing new. Researchers have come up with a new approach for…

7 years ago

KUKA Washing Robot Cleans Automotive Components

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of robots that can make businesses more efficient. The KUKA KR210-2…

7 years ago