Health & Medical

EPFL’s Exoskeleton Lets Disabled People Walk

Here is an exoskeleton system designed to help people with paraplegia stand up, walk and even climb steps. TWIICE is…

8 years ago

Andrew Liquid Handling Robot Using Pipettes

Robots are going to revolutionize many industries. They are already being used in labs, hospitals, and other similar fields. Take…

8 years ago

3D-Printed Soft Robotic WristGuard for Rehab

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of robotic solutions for rehab and recovery. This video from NUS…

8 years ago

Proficio Robotic Arm with Video Games for Rehab

Meet Proficio: a robot arm with 1.05m reach and max speed of 1.5 m/s that gives people who have suffered…

8 years ago

UPnRIDE Robotic Wheelchair for Upright & Seated Mobility

Meet the UPnRIDE Robotic Wheelchair: a versatile solution that provides seated and upright mobility for people who can't walk, counterbalancing…

8 years ago

Hunova Robotic Rehab Device

Meet Hunova: another programmable robotic device designed to treat ankle, knee, hip, or spine. This smart rehab system collects data…

8 years ago

Using Wii Balance Board for Exoskeleton Training

Advanced exoskeletons for people with mobility issues are nothing new. Getting used them could take a bit of training. As…

8 years ago

Erigo Rehabilitation Robot Helps Patients Recover Faster

In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of robotic systems that can help patients recover from serious…

8 years ago

Emma Robot Therapist Treats Injuries

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including serving as a physical therapist. Emma is…

8 years ago

Lokomat Robotic Gait Therapy System

Meet the Lokomat Pro: a robotic gait therapy system that helps patients recover faster after a stroke. It provides a…

8 years ago