COBOTTA Collaborative Robot with Portable Body & Open Platform

6 years ago

Meet the COBOTTA: a collaborative robot that can assist workers with a variety of repetitive task. It has a portable…

Super Mega Robot Can Tow a Car

6 years ago

Here is a rugged robot that can be customized for a variety of jobs. The Super Mega Bot Robot has…

BrambleBee: Autonomous Pollinator Robot for Bramble Plants

6 years ago

We had all heard about natural pollinators such as honey bees disappearing at a fast rate. Robobees may soon take…

GapFlyt: Teaching Aerial Robots To Go Through Narrow Gaps

6 years ago

Nature is full of examples of creatures flying or moving through narrow spaces, so it makes sense that researchers are…

Vera Autonomous Electric Vehicle from Volvo

6 years ago

Here is an autonomous electric vehicle from Volvo that can optimize delivery and transportation processes for businesses. Vera doesn't make…

Teleoperation & Telexistence of iCub Robot

6 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of fun research projects that involve the iCub robot. Mohamed Elobaid,…

This Robot Can Reproduce Any Image As String Art

6 years ago

Robots are getting better that producing artwork all the time. TU Vienna researchers have programmed an industrial robot to create…

littleBits Space Rover Inventor Kit

6 years ago

Here is an educational kit that shows your kids how to build and customize their own rover. The littleBits Space…

Encounter Robotic Creature

6 years ago

In the future, machines will behave a whole lot more like living creatures. It can be quite an uncanny feeling…

Meccano Meccasaur Programmable T-Rex Robot

6 years ago

So you have a thing or two for dinosaurs? With the Meccano Meccasaur, you can play with a programmable robot…