
RAN: Robot Assistant for Nurses

Here is another robot that can work at hospitals to enable workers and clinicians to become more productive. The RAN…

6 years ago

RightPick Workcells Set Automated Picking World Record

RightHand Robotics is behind sophisticated piece-picking solutions for businesses. Its RightPick workcells have managed to pick & place "131,072 items…

6 years ago

Airwheel SR3 Robot Automatically Follows You, Avoids Obstacles

Here is a robot suitcase smart enough to recognize its owner, automatically follow, and avoid obstacles. The Airwheel SR3 robot…

6 years ago

Nike Uses KUKA Robots To Launch Shoes

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. They are already being used by companies to…

6 years ago

Skeletonics Exoskeleton Turns You Into a Giant Robot

Here is a mechanical exoskeleton suit that mimics your movement and doesn't need a battery or motor to work. It…

6 years ago

Solar Powered Lawnmower Robot

In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of awesome lawnmower robots here. Vittorio Loschiavo's project gives…

6 years ago

DIY: LEGO Robot Vacuum with iPad Control

There is no better way to master robotics than building and programming your own robots. The Brick Wall has built…

6 years ago

Dallas Robot Rover Photo Booth

It is no secret that robots can do many things for us, including allowing people to connect with other at…

6 years ago

MoveIt Task Constructor for Robots

Programming complex tasks for robots doesn't have to be difficult. Not when you can use the MoveIt Task Constructor to…

6 years ago

3D-printed House Built with BatiPrint3D

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. That including building our houses. The BatiPrint3D is…

6 years ago