
Prodrone Night Surveyor Drone[PD8-AW-HS]

Meet the PD8-AW-HS: a Night Surveyor drone from Prodrone that uses an ultra-light-sensitive camera to send live clear images to…

7 years ago

EPFL’s Foldable Drone for Last-Centimeter Delivery

Here is a drone that can deliver parcels up to 500 grams overs steep or uneven terrain. EPFL scientists developed…

7 years ago

PD8-AW-HR Hi-Res Surveyor Drone

Meet the PD8-AW-HR: a hi-res PRODRONE Surveyor Drone that can take on dangerous tasks and send clear images to the…

7 years ago

ORCA AI Drone with Voice Commands

Meet the ORCA drone: an AI flying machine that understands and executes your voice commands. You can talk to it…

7 years ago

PRODRONE PDH-03 200km/h Autopilot Helicopter

Meet the PRODRONE PDH-03 helicopter: an aerial vehicle that can fly on autopilot at speeds greater than 200km/h. Its autopilot…

7 years ago

Kalashnikov’s Anti-Drone Gun

Here is another tool that makes it easier to deal with rogue drones. Kalashnikov's Anti-Drone Weapon jams and disables GPS…

7 years ago

SMX X-F1 Crop Sprayer Drone for Mountainous Regions

Here is another drone that can spray your crops even in mountainous regions. The SMX X-F1 Crop Sprayer Drone has…

7 years ago

Sentera Omni Drone for Agriculture

Here is another drone designed to make life easier for farmers and agricultural businesses. The Sentera Omni Drone is a…

7 years ago

AUDS Anti-Drone Defense System To Handle Rogue UAVs

Here is an anti-drone defense system that allows the military and businesses detect and disable rogue drones. AUDS is operated…

7 years ago

Heurobotics Mark II Hybrid Flying Machine with Vertical Takeoff

Meet the Heurobotics Mark II: a hybrid aircraft for farming and other tasks that can takeoff and land vertically. It…

7 years ago