Space Exploration

GITAI’s S2 1.5m Dual Robotic Arm for Space

Here is another robot that is being developed to perform tasks in space. GITAI's S2 is a 1.5m long autonomous…

2 years ago

ANT: Autonomous Non-Wheeled All-Terrain Rover

It is no secret that plenty of companies and researchers are working on perfecting robots and rovers for lunar exploration.…

2 years ago

SORA-Q Deformable Lunar Robot

Here is another robot designed for lunar surface exploration. The SORA-Q is a deformable lunar robot created by JAXA, TAKARATOMY,…

2 years ago

FLEX Lunar Rover from Astrolab

Plenty of companies are working on perfecting rovers for space. Astrolab's Flexible Logistics and Exploration (FLEX) Rover is built for…

2 years ago

ElectroVoxels: Shapeshifting Robots for Space

Robots are going to do many things for us in space. That includes handling tools, moving items, and performing fixes.…

2 years ago

GITAI’s R1 Lunar Robotic Rover

Robots are going to do most of space exploration for us in the future. Take the GITAI's R1 robot for…

2 years ago

RH5 Manus Humanoid Robot for Space Missions

Robots are going to play more important roles in space flight in the future. Take the RH5 Manus Robot: a…

2 years ago

RH5 Manus Humanoid Robot for Space Missions

Meet the RH5 Manus: a humanoid robot that can provide assistance to humans in space missions, e.g. at a future…

2 years ago

ANT Navigation System for Multi-legged Robots

Space rovers are going to become a whole lot more sophisticated over time. Zhurong or Perseverance are already exploring the…

2 years ago

NASA Glenn’s SLOPE: Simulated Lunar Terrain Lab for Robots

In the future, robots will be used to do more exploration on the moon and other bodies in our solar…

2 years ago