Flexible & Soft Robots

Flexiv Grav Enhanced Gripper Can Pick Up Irregularly Shaped Objects

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of grippers that can pick up food and other similar items.…

1 year ago

This Soft Robot Detects Damage & Heals Itself

Here is a soft robot capable of detecting when and where it is damaged to heal itself on the spot.…

1 year ago

Sawyer Cobot with SoftGripper for Food Handling

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of grippers can be used for food handling. They can be…

2 years ago

This Soft Robotic Actuator Can be Scaled Down to 1 Centimeter

Here is a soft robotic actuator that can be scaled down to 1cm. Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia's Bioinspired…

2 years ago

BeBop RoboSkin Smart Fabric Sensors for Robots

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of technologies that enable robots to feel. BeBop Sensors' RoboSkin is…

2 years ago

Two-chamber Pneumatic Soft Finger Flicking a Coin

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of interesting soft fingers for robots. This Two-chamber Pneumatic Soft Finger…

2 years ago

Protein Automation with Soft Robotics mGrip

In the past few years, we have covered many robots that can automate food packaging. This video shows how Soft…

2 years ago

Sea Creature Inspired Soft Robot Powered by Light & Magnetic Fields

Here is a soft aquatic robot inspired by sea creatures that can walk, roll, and transport things. It is powered…

2 years ago

This Insect-sized Robot Navigates Mazes Like a Cheetah

Here is a flexible robot that can traverse complex train and swerve to avoid obstacles with the agility of a…

3 years ago

Inflatable Robotic Hand with Real-time Tactile Control for Amputees

Here is an inflatable robotic hand that gives amputees real-time tactile control. It weighs only half a pound and is…

3 years ago