DIY & Hacks

Fun Robotics 3 DoF Robotic Arm Mimics Hand Movements

Here is another robotic arm that can mimic your hand movement. This 3DoF robot relies on flex sensors to keep…

7 years ago

Spiderbot V2: 3D Printed Transforming Arduino Robot

Meet the Spiderbot V2: a 3D printed transforming Arduino robot that you can build to learn a few things about…

7 years ago

ARMR – Autonomous Room Mapping Robot

There is no better way to learn electronics and design than 3D printing and programming your own robot. ARMR is…

7 years ago

ProBot: DIY Protesting Robot

Here is a robot that can be controlled by a protester while he/she takes a break or spend time doing…

7 years ago

Realtime Gun Aiming with Arduino UNO

So you would like to teach a robot to aim a gun at you and follow your movement? The Realtime…

7 years ago

6-Axis 3D Printed Robotic Arm Beating “I Am Not a Robot” CAPTCHA

Robots beating the "I Am Not a Robot" CAPTCHA is nothing new. We have already seen it tried a bunch…

7 years ago

DIY: Humanoid Robot (X55A) with Arduino

There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own robots. CStrathearn has shared…

7 years ago

Lake Erie Mamba: DIY Snake Robot with Arduino

So you would like to build your own snake robot? The Lake Erie Mamba project shows you how to do…

7 years ago

Robot Creates Infinite Train Track

Here is a robot that connects tracks to create an infinite railroad for a toy train. It moves along a…

7 years ago

Soft Robotics Kit for Development

Here is a kit that helps you get started in soft robotics development. The Soft Robotics Kit comes with adaptive…

7 years ago