Business & Research

MARS Mobile Arm Robot System for Inspection

Meet MARS: a mobile arm robotic system that uses an autonomous mobile platform with 2D/3D sensors, flexible robotic arm, and…

5 years ago

ARMstrong Nuclear Accident Response Robot

Meet the ARMstrong robot: a nuclear accident response robot being developed at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute with dual arms…

5 years ago

Belotti Integrale: Robot Based Automation for Supercars

Here is a robot based automation solution that can process carbon, Kevlar, and light alloys. Belotti Integrale was developed in…

5 years ago

Omron’s Autonomous Mobile Manipulator Debuts @ PACK EXPO

Meet Omron's Autonomous Mobile Manipulator: a robot platform designed to improve operational efficiency for flexible manufacturing. The collaborative robot arm…

5 years ago

MIT Engineers Built Shapeshifting Autonomous Boats

Here is a fleet of autonomous boats that can change shape to adapt to any task. MIT’s fleet of robotic…

5 years ago

Angsa: Solar Powered Autonomous Trash Picking Robot

Here is a fully autonomous trash picking robot that can pick up cigarette butts and other small trash automatically. The…

5 years ago

Kinova Gen3 Robots Performing Automated Pre-assembly with Visual Recognition

Here is a robotized pre-assembly system that involves Kinova Gen3 robots performing the job thanks to visual recognition. With embedded…

5 years ago

Dobot CR6-5 6-Axis Robotic Arm

Meet the DOBOT CR6-5: a 6-axis robotic arm with self-learning that helps speed up industrial automation processes. It features force-sensing…

5 years ago

TORO Humanoid Robot Used in Aircraft Manufacturing

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. They are already being used by manufacturers to…

5 years ago

Lovol’s Combine Harvester for Farm Automation

Robots are already being used by many farmers to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Lovol's Combine Harvester is also worth…

5 years ago