Marty Programmable Robot for Kids with 3D Printable Parts

8 years ago

Meet Marty the Robot: a programmable, customizable walking robot designed to get kids familiar with robotics and electronics. It is…

Omron Ping Pong Robot Trains You

8 years ago

You don't always need to have a human training partner to get some ping pong practice. Not when the Omron…

DHL’s EffiBOT Robot: Collaborative Automated Order Picking

8 years ago

It is no secret that many large companies are relying on robots for automation and efficiency. DHL is currently running…

RoBattle Combat Robot

8 years ago

Meet RoBattle: a combat robot that can operate independently or support manned formations. It can be used to perform scouting,…

Arduino Controlled Robotic Drum

8 years ago

Here is a robot that can play drums like a pro. randofo developed it to be controlled using Arduino. This…

Da Vinci System for Robotic Surgeries

8 years ago

Meet the da Vinci surgical system: a robotic system that allows surgeons to perform operations with small incisions. It gives…

DIY: Build a Robot That Can Wield a Lightsaber

8 years ago

So you want to build a robot that can get things around the house? John Choi has shared a fascinating…

Robomintoner Robot Plays Badminton

8 years ago

Badminton is a fun sport, but you are going to need a partner or two to play it. The Robomintoner…

Scubo Submersible Robot Scans Coral Reefs

8 years ago

Meet Scubo: a small, agile submersible robot that moves in every direction to scan entire coral reefs. It moves omnidirectionally…

Steampunk Prosthetic Arm for Tattoo Artists

8 years ago

Here is a prosthetic arm designed for tattoo artists. It was made with metal bits to make it suitable for…