DURUS Robot Walks Like a Human

8 years ago

Here is a humanoid robot with human-like walking capability. AMBER lab has been working on bipedal robots with human-inspired walking…

LUKE Advanced Prosthetic Arm

8 years ago

Here is an advanced prosthetic arm that makes it easier for amputees to get things done independently. The LUKE Prosthetic…

Agrobot Robotic Strawberry Harvester

8 years ago

Here is a robotic solution capable of harvesting strawberries, making life easier for farmers. The Agrobot Robotic Harvester comes with…

Husky UGV with UR5 Arm & 3-finger Gripper

8 years ago

Remember Husky? It is a robotic development platform with large payload capacity and ability to handle stereo cameras, LIDAR, GPS,…

Robot Shuttle: Driverless Bus In China

8 years ago

Driverless buses are going to make life easier for a lot of us in the future. It is nice to…

FarmBot Genesis Robotic Farming System

8 years ago

So you want to grow your own food? Why not let a robot do the job. FarmBot Genesis is an…

Ridgeback: Ballroom Dancing with Baxter Robot

8 years ago

Here is a platform that makes it possible for to dance with a Baxter robot. Ridgeback is an omnidirectional mobile…

Husky Unmanned Ground Vehicle

8 years ago

Meet Husky: an unmanned ground vehicle with large payload capacity and customizable parts. Stereo cameras, LIDAR, GPS, IMUs, manipulators can…

Musculoskeletal Robot Driven by Multifilament Muscles

8 years ago

Here is a musculoskeletal robot inspired by the human body with multifilament muscles to move. It performs smoothly and can…

DiddyBorg Raspberry Pi Robot

8 years ago

Meet DiddyBorg: a Raspberry Pi robot with a 3mm cast Acrylic Perspex chassis, 6 motors, two access motor controller, and…