Hunova Robotic Rehab Device

8 years ago

Meet Hunova: another programmable robotic device designed to treat ankle, knee, hip, or spine. This smart rehab system collects data…

CellRobot Smart Modular Robot for Kids

8 years ago

Meet the CellRobot: an innovative robot kit that allows your kids to bring their robot ideas to life. It comes…

Parrot Disco FPV Drone [80km/h]

8 years ago

Meet the Parrot Disco FPV: a smart flying machine that can reach speeds up to 80 km/h. It combines with…

Oz Autonomous Weeding Robot

8 years ago

Agribots are nothing new. Many farmers are using them to take better care of their crops, pick strawberries and apples,…

Honeybot Educational Robot for Kids with AR

8 years ago

Meet the Honeybot: a cute robot that wants to be a friend to your kids and teach them a thing…

XENEX Germ Killing Robots for Hospitals

8 years ago

Here are robots that make it easier to kill germs in hospitals and other comparable environments. XENEX Germ Killing Robots…

Dr. Robot Jaguar Robotic Arm for Compact Mobile Robots

8 years ago

Here is a compact robotic arm with an aluminum construction that can be used to pick up and manipulate objects.…

Arduino Robot Hand with Leap Motion Control

8 years ago

There is no better way to learn robotics than building and experimenting with your own robots. This project is a…

3D-printed Wave Producing Robot (SAW) Can Climb, Swim

8 years ago

Meet the SAW Robot: a 3D printed robot that produces a wave-like motion with a single motor. It has passive…

Aptonomy Drones Are Self-flying Security Guards

8 years ago

In the future, drones will serve as our security guards. Aptonomy is already working on such a solution. Its intelligent…