Re-al Haptics: Generating Gentle Human Motions in Robots

6 years ago

Robots are going to play big roles in our lives in the future. While they are more than capable of…

2-Finger Adaptive Robot Hand from Robotis

6 years ago

Robotis is behind plenty of cool robots and components for DIY robot builders. Their 2-Finger Adaptive Robot Hand is designed…

DroneHunter: Autonomous Drone Capture System

6 years ago

Meet the DroneHunter: an autonomous drone capture system that can capture drones and return them to the save zone. It…

LeveTop Autonomous Folding Drone

6 years ago

Here is another autonomous folding drone that can capture 1080p stabilized footage in the air. The LeveTop can fly for…

Magni ROS Robot Kit with 100kg Capacity

6 years ago

Here is a kit that lets you build a Raspberry Pi robot capable of carrying you. The Magni has 2…

China’s Robot Assembly Line That Makes Robots

6 years ago

In the future, robots will not only build our cars and homes but also other robots. This video from new…

Robotic Virtual Surgery with KUKA Robots

6 years ago

Robotic surgeons are nothing new. In fact, there are already a bunch of robot surgery systems available on the market…

This Robot Jockey Can Ride a Horse & Jump Fences

6 years ago

Here is a robot that can ride a horse at speeds up to 30mph and jump 4ft high fences. Bookmaker…

ModQuad Swarm: Modular Flying Drones That Self-Assemble In Midair

6 years ago

Here are modular flying robots that assemble mid-air and cooperatively fly. The structure has flying modules with a quadrotor within…

PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod Mark III from Interbotix Labs

6 years ago

So you are looking to get your hands on an advanced hexapod robot kit with open source software? The PhantomX…