IG-52 Center Pivot Robot from SuperDroid Robots

6 years ago

Meet the IG-52 Center Pivot Robot: a clever machine with a chassis that allows it to move over objects and…

XYZ Robotics’s Sorting Robot for Warehouses

6 years ago

Here is a sorting robot that can automate the process between batch picking and final packaging. It can sort unorganized,…

IBM’s Brain Controlled Prosthetic Limbs

6 years ago

Plenty of researchers are working on building more advanced prosthetic devices. IBM have used AI to explore the idea of…

GM’s RoboGlove Takes Load Off Workers

6 years ago

In the future, workers will wear smart robots and exoskeletons to help them move heavy items and get work done…

Surveyor Small Robotic Rover MK1

6 years ago

Meet the Surveyor Rover MK1: a small robotic rover designed for those of you just getting started in robotics. It…

12DOF Tailed Bipedal Hopping Robot

6 years ago

Researchers are always inspired by nature to build smarter products and robots. kodlab has shared a video that shows a…

DIY: Ping Pong Ball Bouncing Machine with Arduino

6 years ago

There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own machines and robots. Electron…

MANTIS: Multi-limbed Walking Robot for Unstructured Environments

6 years ago

Meet MANTIS: a multi-limbed walking robot with different gaits that can overcome obstacles and perform various manipulation tasks. The robot…

Origami Insect Inspired Drone Developed by EPFL Researchers

6 years ago

Anybody who has flown a drone in the past has had to replace propellers and other parts after an accident.…

Brain Control of a Robotic Third Arm for Multitasking

6 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of interesting third arm projects that can assist workers on…