Arduino Programmable Self Balancing Robot Bike

5 years ago

So you are passionate about self balancing robots? Thanks to this Arduino Programmable Self Balancing Robot Bike, you will be…

Adeept RaspTank WiFi Robot Tank for Raspberry Pi 3

5 years ago

There is no better way to learn robots and coding than building and programming your own. The Adeept RaspTank is…

Juno Lunar Rover In Action

5 years ago

In the future, robots are going to be utilized in even more space exploration missions. The Juno-TRT rover can use…

Youbionic Hand: 3D Printed Arduino Robotic Hand

5 years ago

There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own robots. The Youbionic Hand…

Abundant Robotics’ Robotic Apple Picker

5 years ago

Here is another robotic apple harvester that can work alongside human workers to increase efficiency. Abundant Robotics' Robot Apple Picker…

SCA All-in-One Servomotor for Robots & 3D Printers

5 years ago

Everybody who has built robots, 3D printers, and other motorized devices in the past knows the importance of investing in…

Mojobot Tangible Coding Robot for Kids

5 years ago

Here is another robot kit designed to provide kids with an engaging learning experience. The Mojobot comes with light, obstacle,…

Milrem’s Unmanned Ground Robots Used In Mining

5 years ago

Milrem's unmanned ground robots are powerful machines that can be used for firefighting and combat situations. As the company has…

KUKA’s Robot Rock Band @ SXSW

5 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of amazing KUKA robots here. This Robot Rock Band is also…

ArtecRobo Programmable Arduino Robot Kit

5 years ago

Here is a kit that has everything you need to build your own Arduino robot. The ArtecRobo Robot Kit comes…