THeMIS Combat Robot Taking Flight In a Helicopter

4 years ago

Remember Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS? It is a UGV that can be combined with a weapon station to take on the…

Reachy Open Source Interactive Robot

4 years ago

Meet Reachy from Pollen Robotics: an open source interactive robot with Python API that can be programmed to take on…

PowerEgg X: Egg Shaped AI Camera & Drone

4 years ago

Meet the PowerEgg X: a gorgeous smart drone that doubles as a personal AI camera with 3-axis stabilization. It uses…

Robot Balancing a Triple Pendulum

4 years ago

Teaching robots to keep themselves balanced can be quite complex on their own. Getting them to balance a pendulum is…

fischertechnik Industrial Robot Building Kit

4 years ago

Here is a cool robot building kit that can be used to make 4 industrial robot models. The fischertechnik ROBO…

V-Coptr Falcon: V-shaped Bi-copter with 50-min Flight Time

4 years ago

Meet the V-Coptr Falcon: a V-shaped Bi-copter that can achieve 50-minute flight time and shoot smooth 4K video thanks to…

A-351 Gantry Motion System for 3D Printing, Inspection Jobs

4 years ago

Here is a gantry motion system that provides high speed and accurate performance in automation. The A-351 Gantry Motion System…

MARTY: Autonomous, Drifting DeLorean

4 years ago

Meet MARTY: an autonomous DeLorean that is being taught to drift and steer with the agility and precision of a…

Feichao 4WD DIY Robot Chassis for Arduino

4 years ago

So you would like to build your own robot car with Arduino? The Feichao 4WD RC Robot Chassis has you…

Digit v2 Robots Working As a Team

4 years ago

Digit is a pretty neat bipedal robot with 4DOF arms that can grab and move items. It is strong enough…