OnRobot’s VGP20 Electric Vacuum Gripper for Robots

3 years ago

Meet the OnRobot’s VGP20 Electric Vacuum Gripper: a powerful robot gripper that can handle payloads of 20kg. It is designed…

SDR Programmable Vectoring Robot with Arduino Controller

3 years ago

Here is another powerful programmable robot from SuperDroid Robots. The SDR Programmable Vectoring Robot has mecanum wheels, so it can…

StereoPi v2: Open-source Stereoscopic Camera Based on Raspberry Pi

3 years ago

Meet the StereoPi v2: an open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi that can capture and livestream real-time stereoscopic…

MOOSOO R4 Robot Vacuum with LiDAR & SLAM

3 years ago

Here is another robot vacuum that can map your home to clean it more efficiently. The MOOSOO R4 Robot can…

Brainlab Loop-X Mobile Imaging Robot

3 years ago

Meet the Brainlab Loop-X: a mobile imaging robot that can be controlled wirelessly with a touchscreen tablet to help with…

SWIFTI Ultra Fast Cobot (5m/s)

3 years ago

So you are looking for an ultra-fast cobot for your project? SWIFTI from ABB Robotics is worth a look. It…

AVA: AI Robot Cameraman with Auto Tracking

3 years ago

Meet AVA: a robotic auto-tracking tripod for your smartphone and DSLR that can capture all your adventures as you move.…

Soft Robots That Use Camera & Shadows to Sense Human Touch

3 years ago

Soft robots are getting more advanced all the time. As Cornell Researchers show in this video, soft robots can use…

iCrawl: Inchworm-Inspired Crawling Robot

3 years ago

In the past few years, we have seen plenty of robots inspired by nature. iCrawl is an inchworm inspired crawling…

Nicholas Seward’s GUS Simpson 3D Printer

3 years ago

Engineers are always looking for ways to improve 3D printer designs. Take Nick Seward’s GUS Simpson for instance: it is…