AVO Smart Solar Powered Weeding Robot

3 years ago

Meet the AVO from ecoRobotix: a solar powered weeding robot can handle handle up to 10 hectares per day. It…

Miko 3 Deep Learning AI Robot for Kids

3 years ago

Meet the Miko 3: an AI powered smart robot for kids that keeps them company and teaches them coding and…

Exosuit with Personalized Assistance Developed

3 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of exosuits that can assist you in walking and other activities…

SPORTSMATE 5 Robotic Exoskeleton for Fitness & Outdoors

3 years ago

 Here is a robotic exoskeleton that you can buy to give you an assist when you go hiking or…

WLkata 6-Axis Mini Robotic Arm Kit

3 years ago

 Here is another kit that can teach young learners more about coding and technology concepts. The WLkata 6-Axis Mini…

SunFounder PiCrawler AI Robot for Raspberry Pi

3 years ago

Here is another AI robot that can teach kids and adults a thing or two about coding. The SunFounder PiCrawler…

Autel EVO II Enterprise Drone with Modular Accessories

3 years ago

Meet the Autel EVO II: an enterprise level drone that can take on a wide variety of challenging missions. It…

VEAVON V8 WiFi Robot Vacuum (4000Pa)

3 years ago

Here is another smart vacuum with lots of suction power to keep your floors clean. The VEAVON V8 WiFi Robot…

VS-050S2 Agile Pharma Robot from Denso Robotics

3 years ago

Meet the VS-050S2 Robot from Denso Robotics: a sleek, precise robot made for the pharmaceutical and medical industries. It has…

QBii Affordable Expandable Service Robot

3 years ago

Meet the QBii Robot: a multi-function service robot that can clean your place, carry items, capture video, and do a…