Home DIY & Hacks This Guy Made an Alexa Enabled L3-37 Droid

This Guy Made an Alexa Enabled L3-37 Droid

😎 New DIY robot kits

Here is another interesting DIY robot idea for Star Wars fans. This Alexa enabled L3-37 droid was made by robot maker Patrick Stefanski. It is 3D printed and responds to the wake word “Hey L3.”  In order to build this, you are going to need a Raspberry Pi 3, HS-805BB+ servos, NeoPixels, prototyping board, and a few other simple components.

More like this ➡️ here

I made an L3-37 "Alexa" -- Solo: A Star Wars Story

You can find the code for the robot on GitHub. More info is available on PatchBOTS’ YouTube channel.


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